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About the FWD/Journal

Our story

We are a small, but growing, community group focused on and passionate about creative writing.

Whilst some of our members are published authors, and others aspire to the same achievement, many of us simply write for our own pleasure.


Our group covers a vast array of genres, and we heartily encourage members to be brave and try something new. Whether it's fiction or non-fiction, poetry or screenplays, we are here to help inspire the imagination and to give support and feedback to our members.


We run a number of weekly challenges, including the Word of the Week and the Thursday Theme prompt. All of these are entirely optional, but are a good way to get those cogs turning and stop them becoming rusty!


Based in the heart of the rural Fens, we have regular virtual meetings, and in-person sessions are due to resume in 2022. These are a valuable reminder that although writing is so often a solitary hobby, it doesn't have to be a lonely one. 


We offer friendship and guidance to all of our members in a safe and secure environment. 

Creative writing can be an intensely personal journey and, for this reason, the forums can only be accessed by registered members.


For more information on becoming a member, please head to the contact page.


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