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Submission Guidelines and Community Rules

By registering as a member to the FWD community, you are agreeing to comply with our rules and guidelines both on and offline.


In order to protect the safety and integrity of the group, we would kindly ask that members who witness anyone breaching these rules inform the group admins so that we may deal with the behaviour appropriately.


Members who flout these rules will be issued firstly with a caution, followed by a formal warning. A third and final incident will result in a permanent ban from the group.


Be polite, keep it friendly: This group exists to offer a safe place for all of its members to share in their creative journeys. We will not tolerate bullying, intimidation, or threatening behaviour. This includes (but is not necessarily exclusive to) racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious discrimination. Any members who are subjected to, or witness, such behaviour should report it to the group admins. Any members who engage in such behaviours will be removed from the group.


Profanity and offensive language: Whilst we do not prohibit profanity in submissions, we would kindly ask that swearing on the forum chat page is kept to a minimum. This includes also includes comments, reviews and work titles. If your creative submission includes such content, please post with the appropriate rating and warning in the post title. Not everybody is comfortable with use of such language, and we aim to make this group a safe place for everybody. 


Difficult and/or explicit subject matter: Sometimes our writing takes us to dark places, and sometimes we like to tackle challenging and/or taboo topics. Not everybody wants to see this. Please post with the appropriate rating and warning in the post title.


 Constructive criticism: As writers, we can all learn from good constructive critique, however, this does not give anybody the right to insult and humiliate others and their work. Constructive criticism is about helping people bring out the best in their creative endeavours. We all have different styles and approaches to writing, and this is what makes sharing a creative space so exciting. Remember, not everything is everyone's cup of tea, and just because you like/ dislike something it doesn't mean that everybody else feels the same. (See point 1: Be polite, keep it friendly.) Top tip: if you want others to read and review your submissions- read and review theirs!

Respect other members' time: In an effort to redress the balance of differing input from members, you may notice that you do not have automatic access to our Constructive Critique forum page. Detailed reviews, feedback and proofreading takes up an awful lot of time and effort. If you wish to have your work critically assessed, it is vital that you give back to the group. You will gain access to this page and service by reviewing other members' submissions elsewhere in the forum. Please take the time to read submissions posted by others and let them know what you think. After all, it's only fair if you want them to do the same for you.


Respecting Intellectual Property: Please respect the intellectual property of members in the group. Do not share their work outside of the group without their express consent, and do not use their work for your personal gain. Being inspired by another member's work is one thing, but theft of their intellectual property destroys the purpose and integrity of this group. Members posting in the Fanfiction archive should use an appropriate disclaimer and acknowledge the original work and its creator. 


Submission Ratings

When posting submissions to the forum, please put an appropriate rating in your post title.


G/U - General/ Universal/ Unrated

This work is suitable for all audiences


PG/ T - Parental Guidance/ Teen audiences and up

This work may contain content unsuitable for young children


M - Mature

This work contains adult themes or difficult/ taboo subject matter and may be unsuitable for younger readers


E - Explicit

This work contains explicit or graphic material that is unsuitable for more sensitive readers

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